FGT60 (18:03-04.14.2004)
Serial number:FGT-602904406407
RAM activation
Total RAM: 128MB
Enabling cache…Done.
Scanning PCI bus…Done.
Allocating PCI resources…Done.
Enabling PCI resources…Done.
Zeroing IRQ settings…Done.
Verifying PIRQ tables…Done.
Boot up, boot device capacity: 30MB.
Press any key to display configuration menu…
[G]: Get firmware image from TFTP server.
[F]: Format boot device.
[Q]: Quit menu and continue to boot with default firmware.
[H]: Display this list of options.
Enter G,F,Q,or H:
All data will be erased,continue:[Y/N]?
Formatting boot device…
Format boot device completed.
Enter G,F,Q,or H:
Enter TFTP server address []:
Enter local address []:
Enter firmware image file name [image.out]: FGT_60-v300-build0753-FORTINET.out
Total 14275435 bytes data downloaded.
Verifying the integrity of the firmware image.
Total 28000kB unzipped.
Save as Default firmware/Run image without saving:[D/R]?
Programming the boot device now.
Reading boot image 1340712 bytes.
Initializing firewall…
System is started.
FGT-602904406407 login: