FORTINET FotriGate-50Bの初期化


FORTINET FotriGate-50Bの初期化



FGT50B (17:43-09.19.2007)
Serial number:FGT50B***
RAM activation
Total RAM: 256MB
Enabling cache…Done.
Scanning PCI bus…Done.
Allocating PCI resources…Done.
Enabling PCI resources…Done.
Zeroing IRQ settings…Done.
Verifying PIRQ tables…Done.
Enabling Interrupts…Done.
Boot up, boot device capacity: 64MB.
Press any key to display configuration menu…

Reading boot image 1347721 bytes.
Initializing firewall…
System is started.


FGT50B*** login: admin


Welcome !

### 工場出荷状態 ###

FGT50B*** # execute factoryreset
This operation will reset the system to factory default!
Do you want to continue? (y/n)y

System is resetting to factory default…

The system is going down NOW !!


FGT50B*** #
Please stand by while rebooting FGT50B (17:43-09.19.2007)
Serial number:FGT50B***
RAM activation
Total RAM: 256MB
Enabling cache…Done.
Scanning PCI bus…Done.
Allocating PCI resources…Done.
Enabling PCI resources…Done.
Zeroing IRQ settings…Done.
Verifying PIRQ tables…Done.
Enabling Interrupts…Done.
Boot up, boot device capacity: 64MB.
Press any key to display configuration menu…

Reading boot image 1347721 bytes.
Initializing firewall…
System is started.

FGT50B*** login: admin
Welcome !

### システム内容 ###

FGT50B*** # get system status
Version: Fortigate-50B 3.00,build0480,070330
Virus-DB: 11.981(2010-05-25 16:09)
IPS-DB: 2.813(2010-05-25 16:08)
Serial-Number: FGT50B***
BIOS version: 04000008
Log hard disk: Not available
Hostname: FGT50B***
Operation Mode: NAT
Current virtual domain: root
Max number of virtual domains: 10
Virtual domains status: 1 in NAT mode, 0 in TP mode
Virtual domain configuration: disable
Common Criteria mode: disable
Current HA mode: standalone
Distribution: International
Branch point: 480
System time: Wed Jun 22 16:05:59 2011

### インターフェース ###

FGT50B*** # get system interface
== [ internal ]
name: internal mode: static ip: status: up netbios-forward: disable type: physical mtu-override: disable
== [ wan2 ]
name: wan2 mode: static ip: status: up netbios-forward: disable type: physical mtu-override: disable
== [ wan1 ]
name: wan1 mode: static ip: status: up netbios-forward: disable type: physical mtu-override: disable

FGT50B*** #

FGT50B*** # execute shutdown
This operation will shutdown the system !
Do you want to continue? (y/n)y
System is shutting down…
The system is going down NOW !!

FGT50B*** #
FGT50B*** #
The system is halted.